10 Stained Glass Art Ideas 

One of the many things that I love about stained glass art is the various things you can create with it. The materials can be put together in such a way to create works that are both functional and beautiful.

It took me a few months to have this realization however, because more than likely you aren’t going to see it all at once. Even now I’m still finding really cool things that artist are creating with stained glass that I never would have thought of on my own. Which is why I thought this would be a really cool post to include, and I’ll be sure to keep it updated as I see more and more new and innovative ideas! 

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1. Hanging Stained Glass Window Panels and Suncatchers

If you’ve been on Instagram or Pinterest looking at anything related to stained glass, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of window panels and suncatchers. When I first started creating stained glass these were all I saw, and are still the first thing I think to create when I have new ideas. 

These are great because they allow you to spruce up a window without having to do any major installations. And because they are still hung in windows or in areas where the sun shines through the glass, you’re able to get the most out of your artwork. 

2. Backlit Stained Glass Wall Panels 

I’ve personally never seen a light box in person. I imagine it all the time though. Being able to create stained glass pieces for the center of any wall or room instead of being constrained to a window? Yes please.

However, stained glass made for or displayed in light boxes are not as prevalent for a couple reasons: 

  1. Light boxes are expensive. The most affordable ones I’ve found so far are sold on Delphi and even they are pretty pricey. 
  2. Good light boxes are difficult to create. Oftentimes the light doesn’t disperse evenly across the stained glass panel with traditional LED strips.

3. Opalescent Stained Glass Wall panels 

Another way of creating stained glass art for the wall is to use opalescent glass. It seems so obvious, but in a million years I probably would have never thought of this on my own. Instead I saw it on my IG feed and it was SO BEAUTIFUL!

Creating a piece this way allow you to make it any shape and any size, and place it – anywhere! Even more than using a lightbox, with this style you’re free from even more design constraints.

4. Stained Glass Table Top Artworks

If you’ve seen these in galleries or art shows the way they’ve traditionally been created, then you’ve probably seen these popular stands with a flat metal base and two legs going up to a half shape of some sort. Typically a half circle, diamond, or square shape, however there are some really cool innovations happening with stained glass table top displays.

You can create a wooden base for a small panel to slide into, create a stand using glass, have a metal rod securely attached to the center of your design. There’s a lot of possibilities.

5. Stained Glass Garden Stakes and Plant Stakes

I decided to lump these together because of how similar they are. They both stick into the dirt, just one is larger and sticks into the ground, while the other is smaller and is typically used in potted plants. I’m planning to create a garden stake for my grandmother for Mother’s Day using the rectangle garden stake from Delphi. 

Stained glass garden stakes are great because you can still make them large enough for good light to pass through, and I mean… you’re adding artwork to a garden. That’s awesome. 

The small plant stakes  on the other hand (I freaking LOVE these btw) don’t allow for a lot of light, if any at all, but they’re adorable. Artists that I follow on IG are always coming up with the cutest designs for these. These can also be functional, really. Like in the instance of using them identify rows of plants in a garden, or herbs in a pot. There’s a ton of possibilities there!

6. Stained Glass Windows 

Obviously. This is after all how stained glass has been used since the dawn of time.. of stained glass… ?? Anway. 

We all know about the stained glass window. Even if you’re a brand spanking new to stained glass. Before you were ever curious about creating it, I’m sure the stained glass window is what came to mind when you thought about it… and most likely, and more specifically, the stained glass church window. 

However, maybe you haven’t thought of ALL the places a stained glass window can be used. Some that I can think of include: 

  • Interior sliding door 
  • Interior swing door
  • Kitchen pantry doors. Instead of that boring frosted pane window, bleh.
  • Skylight. Ugh – can you imagine?
  • Cabinet doors 

7. Stained Glass Fireplace Screens 

I’ve only ever seen these online, but even through a computer screen they’re beautiful! It’s such a clever way to use glass. You get a rapidly ever-changing light source that transforms your stained glass into a dancing piece of art. 

Another aspect of the fireplace screens I really like is the amount of space you get to work with. If you use a three fold frame you have the potential to tell three different stories in one piece!

To create a stained glass fireplace screen, you’ll need to either purchase a pre-made screen or build your own. You can create the frame using metal or wood, so long as you line the frame where your stained glass will go with something you can solder to.

8. Stained Glass Lamps & Light Fixtures 

Stained Glass Lamps

Another well-known stained glass art piece, thanks to Louis Comfort Tiffany.

Side note – did you know Louis and Thomas Edison were friends? One invents the light bulb and the other creates beautiful works of art around it. How cool is that?!

The stained glass lamp is a staple in the world of stained glass art, however there’s been a lot of innovative design ideas that have come about since the famous Tiffany Lamp. Instead of the classic round shape, you can create stunning, more simplified designs with square, or square-inspired shapes. 

You could even get more creative and design individual lamp shades for standing lamps with multiple lights. I’ve seen one of these once with sunflowers for the lamp shades and it was gorgeous.

Stained Glass Light Fixtures

Of course if you can design lamp shades, you can use the same basic principle to design and create a light fixture for a permanently installed light. BUT has anyone tried creating little stained glass covers for recessed lighting yet? That’d be kind of cool!

9. 3-D Table Top Stained Glass

Stained Glass Keepsake Boxes 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been obsessed with cute little boxes since I was a child. Wooden boxes, glass boxes, metal boxes… If it has a durable feel or an eclectic or rustic look, I want it.  

Stained glass boxes are great as gifts. This project is obviously a little more technical as you have to make sure the box not only stands (or sits) well, but that it opens and closes as it should. However, if you master it there’s so much you can do with them. You can make them simple or decorative, classic or modern.

Stained Glass Terrariums 

Who doesn’t love plants? Especially plants that don’t really require much maintenance.  

Great thing about terrariums is that they’re mostly made with clear glass since the plants provide visual appeal. Clear smooth glass in my experience is always far cheaper than its colorful, textured counterparts. Making this a desirable gift or shop product that requires a minimal budget to create. 

10. Stained Glass Plant Propagators 

Again, if you’re on Instagram browsing the latest trends in stained glass you’ve most likely seen this one. I’ve seen artists create stained glass plant propagators that range from badass to beautiful. 

You can purchase the test tubes in bulk for close to a dollar a piece and then, Wala! You have enough tubes to create plant propagators for days! 

In Conclusion 

There’s a ton you can do with this medium! And the really cool part? Not all the ideas have been thought of yet.

So if you’re just getting into the world of stained glass, or perhaps you’ve been here a while and you’re looking for a spark of inspiration. I hope this article helped jog your creative juices. 

Now go you talented glass creative… go fill the world with your glassy greatness! 😉 <3

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