I’ve already covered the basics of attaching a chain to your stained glass, but today I want to share tips for best securing heavy stained glass artworks. These are things that I have had to learn the hard way – so hopefully by sharing, I can save you some headache!
Throughout my years as a stained glass artist I’ve had a few large pieces either come apart just enough to scare the crap out of me, or completely separate at the seams and fall to their demise. Luckily for me, all of this happened in my own studio (well… all except for one). Both because that would be terrible for a customer to experience, and because I got to see exactly why, where, and how it happened – and therefore what I needed to do to stop it from happening again.
The five tips listed below are what I’ve learned so far, and are all things I’ve now implemented into my crafting techniques to make sure my heavier stained glass panels remain safe and secure, and last for as long as possible.
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1. Use Tinned Wire Instead of Jump Rings
Jump rings work great for smaller pieces, but when you start getting up there in size and weight – it’s time to consider creating your own hangers using tinned wire.
By creating U-shaped hooked with a heavier gauge wire, you can distribute the weight on either side of the solder joint instead of having one spot bear all the weight. Also, I use a 14 gauge wire for this and it’s just a lot thicker and more durable than a thin jump ring.
Creating the U-shaped hooks are super easy using the round nose pliers. All you have to do is cut a short strip of wire, wrap it around the pliers (I recommend using the base of the pliers for a larger hook) and nip off the excess wire with your wire cutters. And viola! You have your own custom made, sturdy stained glass hooks.
2. Solder Connecting Jump Rings for Extra Strength
This tip might seem obvious, but trust me—it’s easy to overlook! Don’t assume that the jump rings are strong enough to bear the weight on their own. Always, always, ALWAYS solder the connecting jump rings shut.
These tips are for heavier pieces, but I do this with ALL my hanging pieces now. Even my small rainbow makers!
Little steps like these can also serve as insurance and self assurance. If someone purchases your piece and it breaks, you can rest assured knowing that you did everything in your power to build it as strong as possible, and the break was most likely due to them or some freak accident.
3. Clean Lead Came Before Soldering
If your stained glass artwork is bordered with lead came – which I’m assuming if it’s a larger, heavier piece that it is – then you may consider cleaning off any grime and debris before attaching your hanging hardware.
Sometimes our lead came can be dull and obviously a little… eh. That is until you rub it a few times using steel wool and you see it shine like silver! This clean, pristine lead is going to bond with the solder much easier and far better than it does otherwise.
Abrasively polishing the areas where you’ll be soldering removes impurities like dust or oxidation and ensures a stronger connection.

This small step can make a world of difference when it comes to durability, and I include it on every larger piece I create!
4. Never Use Off-Brand Solder
Trust me on this one—I’ve learned the hard way.

About a year ago I found a pack of solder on Amazon for a whopping $3 less per roll and thought “Heck yes.” However a few of the pieces I created with said solder started just separating at the came over time. Like literally… the solder would just COME OFF the came. This time it did end up happening to a piece I sold and I repaired it for her.
And honestly, it took me a minute to realize it was that solder, but it definitely had to be the culprit because it never happened before, and has never happened since.
Name-brand solders like Amerway, Canfield, and Mastercraft are tested and trusted in the industry – so it’s your best bet to just stick with the tried and true. Especially for larger, heavier pieces!
5. Use a Strong Chain for Hanging
This is another one that may seem obvious, but I feel inclined to add it because I do still see larger stained glass panels on Instagram and other social media sites that are hung with a thin wire or string.
It may hold up for now, but it’s best not to leave it to chance. Whether the piece is framed in wood or lead came, a heavy duty chain is always the best route in my humble opinion.
And you can go outside of typical stained glass supplies stores to find unique chains! I have a style of chain that I use in all my work, and to me it adds to my “brand” and to the finished look of every piece.
I have one chain that I use on smaller suncatchers, and a larger, heavier chain that I use on my large panels.
Just be sure to check the weight capacity on any chain you purchase to make sure your piece is safe in its links 😉 tehe.
Show Off Your Work with Confidence
I know what it’s like to create something and not feel 100% confident. It’s all a part of learning and growing in your craft.
However, I also know what it’s like to learn the hard way from mistakes, and worst yet – to sell those mistakes. So I hope these tips can save you that hassle and have you feeling more confident with every heavier piece you create. After all – the larger ones are where our creativity really shines! 😉
Comment below if there’s anything else you’d like me to cover, and if you ever have any specific questions feel free to email me at hello@theglasscreative.com!
Happy Creating glassy tribe <3